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RINGGENBERG: I'm speaking with Frank Miller. It's December

fifteenth, 1993. Frank, I'm wondering about the Spawn project.

Why are you doing Spawn now, at this time?

MILLER: Todd asked me. You'd be amazed how often projects begin

that way, when someone just calls up and asks and you get along

with them well enough and you like their work well enough, and a

story comes out of it.

RINGGENBERG: How do you know Todd MacFarlane?

MILLER: Again, Todd asked me. He sought me out.

RINGGENBERG: From knowing your work?


RINGGENBERG: There wasn't a personal connection before this?

MILLER: Oh no. No, we've barely met face to face, but he came up

and introduced himself at a convention in Portland a few years

back and we spoke briefly and later on, you know, he sent me

copies of the work he was doing and we got talking.

RINGGENBERG: Had you ever worked with Todd previous to this?

MILLER: Yeah, I wrote an issue of "Spawnù. I think it was number

eleven. I was one of the four writers he brought in.

RINGGENBERG: And do you know who the others were? I know Alan

Moore was one.

MILLER: There was Alan, there was Dave Sim, and Neil Gaiman.

RINGGENBERG: Oh, interesting. Boy, he's really going for the big


MILLER: Well, (laughter).

RINGGENBERG: Which issue of Spawn had you written?

MILLER: I believe it was Spawn number eleven.

RINGGENBERG: And did that story have any connection with thisšj&127Ü


MILLER: No, not really. That was me sort of trying to do

essentially just an issue of "Spawnù. You know, I mean, I had read

over everything he'd done and tried to keep it in tune with what

he did.

RINGGENBERG: Did he give you any kind of plot outline about how

to fit it in with his continuity?

MILLER: Absolutely not. Todd said, I'll draw whatever you write.

RINGGENBERG: Really? Boy, that's trust.

MILLER: And I wrote a full script and he executed it, I thought,

very, very well.

RINGGENBERG: When you say full script do you mean a DCcstyle full


MILLER: A full script is kind of like a screenplay only broken

into panels. On the Spawn/Batman project, at his request, we're

working more what is called the Marvel style.

RINGGENBERG: And did you feel comfortable switching back and


MILLER: Oh, I'll work any way. I've worked with a lot of people.

Everybody's got their preferences and you know it really all

depends on who you're working with, what they're more comfortable

with. For instance, with Dave Gibbons we work full script, which

he's very comfortable with and so am I. Because he brings so much

to the image of Martha Washington that I know that I can write

all of the dialogue in advance and that he'll make all the actors

look exactly right, and he'll make me believe in the situation. I

mean, he'll tell the story beautifully. Other people have a more

freewheeling approach. Like myself, for instance. I don't write

myself a full script. I tend to play around with the visuals a

lot and come up with the words to reinforce them.

RINGGENBERG: When you're writing for yourself is there a certain

amount of making it up as you go along?

MILLER: Not in terms of plot, but in terms of the moment by

moment stuff, absolutely. On "Sin Cityù, that's one of the reasons

why "Sin Cityù always ends up being longer than I expect it to be.

The first "Sin Cityù book was intended to be a fortyceight page

book and it ended up being two hundred pages long. Because as the

characters started doing what they wanted to do they wanted more

room and I very happily let them have it.

RINGGENBERG: Do you find that as you're working on a script that

the characters begin talking to you?

šj&127ÜŒMILLER: Oh, absolutely. They, uh, that's when it starts getting

fun. It's the clunky beginnings when you're just searching around

for it that are difficult, but once you're rolling and you've got

a feel for your characters, it turns into a real joy. And they

often surprise you?

RINGGENBERG: By taking the story in directions you didn't


MILLER: Oh yeah. The, in the new "Sin Cityù series I had mapped

everything out like I always do as far as who my lead character,

Dwight, was and what he was up against. He's thrown me a few

curve balls.

RINGGENBERG: I've already talked with Todd and he's told me a

little bit about what the "Spawn/Batmanù book is about and it was

interesting. He said the villains were going to be terrorists,

more realistic, downctocearth type villains, and I was wondering,

whose idea was that?

MILLER: The story was my idea. Todd had approached me having an

angle on how the two characters, Spawn and Batman would relate to

each other, which is they have a contract between the two, which

was an insightful one. He pointed out that Bruce Wayne was very

much a man of privilege and that Spawn was a total loser in terms

of how things work in the world. You know, Bruce Wayne is

handsome and rich and Spawn is impoverished and hideous. I took

that in mind and constructed a story with a, coming up with an

opponent that would sort of give them cause to have something to

do with one another but also using what Todd had suggested about

the contrast between the characters. I said the best way to treat

it would be to break the rules of these crossover books and make

the two actively dislike each other for the entire story.

RINGGENBERG: Oh, so there's no rapproachment anywhere in the


MILLER: Not in terms of personality. You know, even though they,

by necessity, have to work together at one point. It really is

like a buddy movie gone wrong.

RINGGENBERG: Todd had said it takes place in New York City.


RINGGENBERG: And did that location present any story

possibilities that a fictional location wouldn't?

MILLER: I've done so many stories in New York that it might as

well be fictional. Mainly Batman as detective is...The trail of

the crime leads Batman to New York and to Spawn.

RINGGENBERG: Do you have Batman functioning more as a detective

as he did in some of the old stories? You know, picking the cluesšj&127&127Ü

up, analyzing them and going at his investigation in a more

scientific way?

MILLER: At the beginning, but this is, I only have fortycsome

pages in this and this is my first crack at doing Batman in his

prime. And I'm eager to show the, what my version is, of Batman

when he's oh, somewhere around thirtycone, say. When he has all

of his faculties together. He's not the talented bungler that was

in Year One, nor the arthritic character that was in Dark Knight.


RINGGENBERG: Yeah, I was going to ask you, how did it feel to be

doing Batman again?

MILLER: I think it's going to be a lot of fun. I'm just getting

the art no, so I'm just beginning the scripting itself. But I've

got a lot of notions about things that I want to throw in. It's

kind of refreshing. It's been a while. It's like when I go back

to Daredevil, it's visiting an old friend. In the case of Batman

I've done so much less work with him that each time feels like a

real big step up to the plate.

RINGGENBERG: How is it doing Batman for Image rather than DC?

MILLER: Well, it's, I don't know quite what you mean.

RINGGENBERG: Well, the way Todd couched it, he jokingly made a

reference to approaching you by saying, Look, Frank! Here's a way

to do Batman and the DC editors won't be in our hair. He was

being funny.

MILLER: Well, DC of course, has to be consulted, but essentially

it's teamwork between me and Todd. And so far it's been a lot of


RINGGENBERG: Have they placed any restrictions on what you're


MILLER: I've had conversations with Denny O'Neill where he's

defined the parameters of what he believes about Batman. And

that's an ongoing thing.

RINGGENBERG: God knows, Denny's worked with Batman for ages.


RINGGENBERG: And did some really fine work back in the sixties,

remember? How is working with Todd different than other artists

you've worked with?

MILLER: There's no two that are the same. With, how do I put

this? You'll have lots of you knows and how do I put this to cut

out of this interview aren't you?

šj&127ÜŒRINGGENBERG: Don't worry about it. I clean it up.

MILLER: Okay. What I find is exciting about a collaboration is

that I look, play to the other person. It's like we're having a

game of handball, and it always affects the kind of story I write

and how I write. And so the first throw of the ball is from me

when I throw them a plot that I believe plays to their strengths

or their proclivities or whatever. You know, again getting back

to the example of Dave Gibbons. When I write a Martha Washington

script I know I can describe a scenario and a setting that is

ridiculous and he will make everyone believe it, which is a

talent that is amazing. And I also know that he and I, we joke

back and forth and certain things really get him going. He likes

certain kinds of scenes. And so I play very much to his strengths

of making three dimensional characters, of making believable

settings. And to his sense of humor. In the case of Todd, we

haven't worked together as much as Dave and I have, but I write

to the kind of frenetic energy his pages have. You know, there's

a vitality to the stuff that's very exciting, and I don't...And

so the Spawn/Batman for instance that I'm writing doesn't have

much in the way of slow moments. You know you never see Spawn and

Batman sit on a rooftop and talk about their childhoods.

RINGGENBERG: Todd had said that this story is action, action,

action pretty much.

MILLER: Yeah, and as it's evolving, as we're bouncing things back

and forth, it's getting more so. We don't have much room, at

least it feels like not much room to me for returning to Batman.

RINGGENBERG: What do you perceive Todd's main strengths are?

MILLER: First off, I'd say what I just mentioned, the vitality of

his work. The other thing, and this may sound like a weak

compliment, but it's meant as a very strong one, is his terrific

committment to the doing of it. He's not a flash in the pan. I

think he's going to be around for a while. And he does work that

shows a love of work.

RINGGENBERG: You know it's funny you say that because he was

joking about he'll Spawn wrapped up in the cape. He said, `It's

great. People think it's atmosphere. For me it's laziness. I

don't want to draw the body.' (Laughter) You know, he's probably

being selfcdeprecating there because I think his stuff is


MILLER: Yeah, he's a, well let's see. How do I put it. His stuff

is very alien to mine. And I like working with people who are

very different than me.

RINGGENBERG: His storytelling sense is very different from yours,

I mean the way he lays out a page and so forth.

MILLER: Yes. You see what I have is sort of the best of bothšj&127Ü

worlds in my career. Because when I'm doing "Sin Cityù, it's all

me. That's how I see it from start to finish and it's exactly the

kind of story that I most like. Then I get the luxury of going on

and working with Jeff ccccc, or Dave Gibbons and Todd MacFarlane,

or John Romita. It stretches me as a writer and it teaches me

things as an artist.

RINGGENBERG: Oh yeah, working with the different influences?

MILLER: The best way to be influenced by somebody is to


RINGGENBERG: Are you enjoying the collaboration so far?

MILLER: Oh yeah.

RINGGENBERG: That's good. Todd had said this is going to be out

sometime in the spring?

MILLER: Yeah, March I believe.

RINGGENBERG: Yeah, that's what I was thinking, March. Do you have

any other projects planned for Image?

MILLER: No, nothing for Image right now. Except for the

"Spawn/Batmanù, all of my projects that are in the works are going

to be under the Legend imprint.

RINGGENBERG: Just on a practical level, do you think working for

Image is going to help you sell more copies of your own "Sin Cityù

book? Exposing you to a different market share?

MILLER: It would be great if it did. I mean if it's...I'll just

have to wait and see. The main thing is is that I hope that...I

think that anything to bring people into the stores is a good

idea especially during the fallow times we're living in.

RINGGENBERG: Todd was saying that that was the real challenge to

him is just, now that he's on top, is to keep staying on top. To

keep throwing new things at people. That was one reason why he

was working with you and Alan Moore and various people, you know,

to bring new stuff to "Spawnù that wasn't a gimmick, like a

hologram cover for instance.

MILLER: Yeah. And these days, everybody's kind of fighting for

their lives out there.

RINGGENBERG: Yeah, well there's just so much stuff out there, and

there's really a lot of high quality stuff out there. I think it

must be hard to get that buck from the reader.

MILLER: It all depends on your aspirations. I mean I've been

absolutely thrilled at the audience that's shown up for "Sin Cityù.

Given that it isn't any of the things that one, it doesn't followšj&127&127Ü

any of the trends that have been dominant in the field for the

past couple of years. It's nice to know that that many people

will show up for a black and white comic book that doesn't have a

superhero universe attached to it.RINGGENBERG: Well, Frank, ballpark figure. How is "Sin Cityù

selling? MILLER: I don't have any numbers in front of me right now, but I

remember when I got them I was all thrilled.

RINGGENBERG: So you're happy with what you're doing?

MILLER: Yes, very happy.

RINGGENBERG: Good. Good. What are your plans for the future aside

from finishing up the "Spawn/Batmanù and working on your own book?

MILLER: Well, I'm going to continue doing "Sin Cityù books for the

forseeable future. I have a number of projects that aren't worth

mentioning right now because they aren't far enough along. But,

the two other books that I'm involved with are "Martha Washingtonù"

Goes To Warù, with Dave Gibbons. I just got the first issue from

Dave and it's a beauty. He's doing extraordinary work in this

series. The other book is with Jeff Darrow, "The Big Guy and

Rusty, the Boy Robotù. And Jeff is outdoing himself. I didn't

think there was room for any more stuff on a page than "Hardboiledù

showed, but there is.


MILLER: Yeah. It's a fun time to be doing comics.

RINGGENBERG: Yeah, well it seems like all bets are off. If you

have a good idea and you can carry it out, you can do what you


MILLER: Yeah. It's the kind of opportunity in history that

artists have rarely had, and I welcome it and I'm doing my best

to take my best advantage of it.

RINGGENBERG: You know Robert Williams said an interesting thing

when I interviewed him. He said that as far as the graphic arts,

he said comic books, the graphic vocabulary in comics has really

grown in the last fifty years, whereas what they call fine art is

pretty much moribund. He said comics is the area that's really

exciting because people are really breaking new ground.

MILLER: I'd agree with that. And partly I think it's because

we've managed to...Here's another how do I put this? I think that

one of the things that makes comics a very, very exciting field

is that we've had only limited success as a marketplace. You know

there's srt of a headlong rush to be more and more like Hollywood

that I think is, could turn out to be foolhardy. I've worked inšj&127&127Ü

Hollywood and there are, especially now, censorious restraints

and so much money at stake that people don't think straight.

Whereas in comics it's really amazing how little it costs to make

one, how few people it needs to involve. And what a receptive

audience that is out there. I think everybody got a little crazy

after Image showed up with superhero universes right and left,

with the speculators moving. Now the speculators are moving back

MILLER: Also, I think they've readjusted things and they're

actually moving ahead now. And plus Marvel I think is sliding

backwards, but DC's not trying to compete with Marvel anymore and

I think they're going to do better for it.

RINGGENBERG: Before you go, Frank, that brings up one question I

wanted to ask you. You know I know that Marvel has kind of taken

the attitude that Image is the enemy. You know they'rešj&127&127Ü

persecuting people that work for Image. Whereas DC, I thought,

displayed considerable amount of shrewdness in dealing with Todd,

doing the two books. And I was just wondering, what's your take

on that, as far as how DC has handled that.

MILLER: Geeze, I don't know. I'm just the writer, man. You know I

wasn't in on any of the dealing between DC and Todd. I think that

it would be silly to get into this blood enemy stuff. But I think

that both Image and Marvel have indulged in that. They're both

being kind of dumb that way, butccWhat was that apart of the


RINGGENBERG: Yeah, the tape is still going. But I can excise


MILLER: Let's lose all that. Let's like kind of end it when we

ended it, okay?

RINGGENBERG: Sure. No problem.

MILLER: Because I just realized that I was babbling on and wasn't

even in interview mode anymore.

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